
Register for fishing 2024

Everybody who wishes to participate for the fishing license draw for the Alta River in 2024 is the deadline to register Monday February 26th at 12:00 ( mid day). The draw will be done Wednesday February 28th. And the sale of licenses will be done March 01st. We will return to information about the sale later.

mandag 08.januar 2024 / 11:00

If you do not receive a receipt after online registration, then something has gone wrong, either with your payment or other things in your registration, and you are therefore NOT registered for the draw. Feel free to sign up again, or contact the office at phone number 0047 784 34535 or e-mail to aud@altalaks.no!


Register for the Draw

Please read the application rules in this article:

Application rules:

The Registration for the draw will open January 02nd

There is an age limit at 14 years old, or born in 2010 or earlier.
Only one registration pr. person.

You can register at https://altaelva.no/
You have to pay NOK 600,-  pr. person to participate in the draw. Be aware that this amount  will not be refunded. To your information; it was 1267 persons who took part in the Lottery in 2023. 

If you are one of the lucky ones (number 1-75) that is drawn out in the lottery, you will be able to buy fishinglicense for minimum 2 days.

We want most of the registration done online, but if you have any problems with the online registration , you can send an email to aud@altalaks.no with name, address, phone number and date of birth.

Then you have to pay NOK 600,- to our account

Alta Laksefiskeri I/S ,


Name of our bank:           Sparebank1 Nord-Norge 9028 Tromsø.

Account number/ IBAN:  NO76 4901 13 01095

BIC/SWIFT :                      SNOWNO 22

This must be done no later than the 26th og February.

​Mark your payment with "Registration for the Draw 2024" and the name that you want to be registered.


Norwegian words you need to know when filling out the application:
"Fødselsdato" is date of birth (day/month/year).

Price for the fishing license :

1 day in June/July: NOK. 3500,-

2 days in June/July 7000,-

3 or 6 days in August NOK 4800,-


It is possible to transfer the license within the family by application, the application must be justified. The person who buys the license has to attend in the fishing. You can have others with you, but it is only allowed to fish with one rod.  NO more than one rod at the same time.