Rules for fishing for anadrom salmon fish in Fusta watercourse
In the period 15.06. – 31.08.2023, FUSAM management team SA may grant permission for it to be taken up and euthanised up to 300 male salmon and up to 200 sea trout in the lower part of the watercourse. Fishing will be closed if the total quota is reached before.
Rules for fishing for anadrom salmon fish in Fusta watercourse.
1. Fishing season and total seasonal quota
In the period 15.06. – 31.08.2023, FUSAM management team SA may grant permission for it to be taken up and euthanised up to 300 male salmon and up to 200 sea trout in the lower part of the watercourse. Fishing will be closed if the total quota is reached before.
2. Fishing license and receipt for paid norwegian fishing fee
Fishing licenses for in Fusta are purchased at www.inatur.no . 24-hour passes are valid between 00:00 - 24:00. When fishing licenses are purchased, fishermen are said to have paid the national fishing fee for fishing for salmon, sea trout and sea char, and have confirmed that and accepted the fishing rules for Fusta. Catches should be reported on https://www.inatur.no/ fangstrapportering. On inatur there are maps of Nedre Fusta that show the division of the river into fishing zones and here is the possibility of selection zone when purchasing cards.
3. Landing and killing of fish, daily quota and annual quota
The daily quota is a maximum of 2 landed salmon and 2 landed sea trout. The fish is considered the land when the fisherman after having tired it out, can release it from the hook while it is in the hand net or heldin tail grip. On the daily quota, the fisherman has the right to euthanize 1 male salmon of up to 6.5 kg (85 cm)
and 1 sea trout. If the first salmon is released, one salmon can still be landed and up to one sea trout within 24 hours a day. Fishing should be finished after landing the next salmon, regardless of whether it is released or euthanized. The 24-hour quota is mandatory.
Each fisherman can kill up to 5 salmon and 5 sea trout during the season. Both the daily allowance and the annual quota apply for the individual fisherman. The quota cannot be transferred to others. Fish that are landed should be reported on www.inatur.no no later than 24:00 on the same day, regardless of whether it has been reinstated or has been euthanized.
3. Landing and killing of fish, daily quota and annual quota
The daily quota is a maximum of 2 landed salmon and 2 landed sea trout. The fish is considered the land when the fisherman after having tired it out, can release it from the hook while it is in the hand net or held in tail grip. On the daily quota, the fisherman has the right to euthanize 1 male salmon of up to 6.5 kg (85 cm) and 1 sea trout. If the first salmon is released, one salmon can still be landed and up to one sea trout within 24 hours a day.
Fishing should be finished after landing the next salmon, regardless of whether it is released or euthanized. The 24-hour quota is mandatory.
Each fisherman can kill up to 5 salmon and 5 sea trout during the season. Both the daily allowance and the annual quota apply for the individual fisherman. The quota cannot be transferred to others. Fish that are landed should be reported on www.inatur.no no later than 24:00 on the same day, regardless of whether it has reinstated or has been euthanized.
4. Re-release requirement
All female salmon that are landed should be released alive. This also applies to male salmon over 85 cm (approx. 6.5 kg). If in doubt about the sex of the fish, the fish should be released alive. The minimum target for salmon is 45 cm.
Improperly caught fish that, due to injury, must be euthanized, gutted and otherwise handled in accordance with the Rules of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (see appendix) before being delivered to the reception at Fru Haugans Hotel. Such catches shall be reported and counted which landed fish, but does not count as euthanized fish in the fisherman's annual quota after it has been registered at the hotel.
It is considered a serious violation of the fishing rules if the supervision encounters a fisherman with a euthanized fish outside quota that has not been reported. Humpback salmon, rainbow trout and farmed salmon must be euthanized and are not included in the quotas.
5. Requirements for the use of infection-free equipment and shell samples.
The fishing equipment and other equipment used in connection with fishing (taunts, waders, waders, boats, etc.) shall be infection-free. Before starting fishing in Fusta, equipment that has been used in other watercourses must be disinfected with approved disinfectant, Virkon S.
At this part of Fusta there are disinfection stations at Veset, Moheim and Jomfruremma, see map on www.inatur.no.
On the map, these are marked "F". Code for opening the sanitizing stations along Fusta is 222 and the station at Mosjøen Camping opens the desinfecting with code 2018. The form for self-declaration of disinfection performed must be filled in, fish and displayed by control.
After use in the Fustavassdraget, the equipment should be treated in the same way before being used in another watercourse. In the disinfection stations there are also envelopes for collecting shell samples of caught fish. Envelopes with samples must be filled in with text and left in the sanitation station.
6. Extraordinary measures
Conservation or change of fishing rules can be implemented with immediate effect at any time of the season situations that indicate this. For example, it can be implemented to avoid overfishing of the overall seasonal quota or during periods of drought in case of low water flow and high water temperature in the watercourse.
Extraordinary measures will be notified on the website of the Fustavassdraget, on the www.lakseelver.no and on the sales pages of www.inatur.no , and by the riverside. Fishermen are responsible for keeping up to date with changes in the fishing rules.
7. Penalty provisions in the event of violations
Violation of the rules is a criminal offence and may result in a police review, cf. provisions of the Act relating to salmon fish and inland fish and in the Act relating to food production and food safety. Violations will initially be enforced private law by FUSAM management team SA, cf. fishermen's acceptance of the fishing rules when purchasing fishing licenses. Violation of fishing rules that are legally legal will be reported to the police.
Serious violations of the law that are dealt with privately will incur an infringement fee of at least NOK 4,000,-. Alstadhaug District Court is the venue for civil disputes related to for fishing. Fish that are reported to the police for violations of the fishing rules are denied access to fishing in Fusta in the remainingpart of the season and throughout the following season. Fishermen that have been fined privately on legal grounds have not the right to
resume fishing in Fusta before the fee has been paid. In addition to the supervisor, the licensee/card seller and others who have a loose fishing license may require fishermen to documents that they have solved fishing licenses for the stretch, that catches are reported, as well as notify the possible violations of the fishing rules.
8. About traffic and parking
Pay attention to others, do not go over cultivated land, close up gates and do not park in private farmhouses or in Roadway. Use parking spaces (see map on Inatur).
Guidelines for handling fish to be handed in:
- Landed fish should be bled as quickly as possible.
- The fish should not be left on the ground
- To the extent possible, direct contact with soil should be avoided.
- Direct handling of the fish should take place with good hand hygiene.
- The fish are placed in clean containers that are suitable for coming into contact with foodstuffs and should be transported and delivered to the receiving station as quickly as possible.
- If immediate transport to the receiving station is not possible, the fish must be brought on temporary cooling/freezing.
- Cooling storage requirements are max. 4°C.
- Freezing storage should take place at -18°C, or colder.