Vårflom i Kobbefossen

Information regarding the upcoming fishing season

At the time of writing, the snowmelt has started well and Lakselva is rising steadily towards what is beginning to look like a spring flood. First and foremost, we look forward to the start of the season and hope, as usual, that this year's fishing season will offer fantastic catches and magical experiences in Lakselva. Before we release this year's fishing season completely, we want to share some important information with our fishermen.

Martin Rognli Johansen

Fishing season


Salmon: 01.06 - 31.08

Sea trout: 01.06 -15.09


At the same time as the Norwegian Environment Agency's revised the fishing time in rivers and seas in 2021, the fishing season for salmon in Lakselva was changed to apply from 15 June to 15 September. Subsequently the majority of members in Lakselv landowners' association, wanted to return to the initial periode for fishing; 01 June to 31 August. A request for reversal of fishing periode has been sent to the Norwegian Environment Agency and is now awaiting processing / decision in order to take effect.

The periode defining the fishing season for salmon has been updated and is now 01.06-31.08.

Day tickets will not be sold until 15 June.

Bag limit

Bag limits have been reviewed after meeting with FeFo: 


At private properties (Lakselv Landowners` Association):

- Four salmon can be kept during the season, where one can exceed 65 cm, but not exceeding 110 cm.

For all fishermen except locals, LGF's regulations apply throughout the whole watercourse.

At Finnmarkseiendommen (Property of Finnmark County):

Applies to local fishermen:

- Four salmon can be kept during the season, where two can exceed 65 cm. The protection of salmon exceeding 110 cm does not apply to local fishermen.

For all fishermen except locals, LGF's regulations apply throughout the whole watercourse.

*local fishermen is defined as those with permanent address in Porsanger. Landowners and others wich due to the articles of the association are entitled to access a seasonal fishing license, but does not have a permanent address in Porsanger is NOT defined as local fishermen. 

As a result of fewer returning salmon, the harvestable surplus has become smaller in many Norwegian salmon rivers in recent years. 
Despite the fact that the spawning stock target has been achieved in Lakselva for 14 years in a row, one unfortunately sees the same negative impact here as well. 
Catches have decreased and the margins towards the spawning stock target have become smaller. To ensure that the harvest of salmon in Lakselva remains at a sustainable level, it is necessary to start the fishing season with smaller bag limits. 
In addition, salmon over 110 cm are protected. Bag limit and size limit will hopefully be sufficient to ensure enough salmon on the spawning grounds by the autumn and that the largest individuals are allowed to pass on their valuable genes.
As a result of stricter bag limits and the protection of salmon over 110 cm, everyone who is going to fish in Lakselva could find themselves in a situation where release of salmon is required. 
We therefore encourage our fishermen to be aware of their responsibilities and to get thoroughly acquainted with how to correctly release salmon. 
We recommend watching this video and otherwise following the guidelines for proper release.
Season tickets will be sold directly online
To simplify the process of buying season tickets in Lakselva, these will be posted on Elveguiden's sales page under a separate tab (Season tickets).
The season tickets will only be available to eligible buyers (landowners w / family, permanent residents and reindeer herders). 
Only those who are already registered season ticket fishermen will have access to buy season tickets. 
New fishermen who are entitled to buy season tickets in Lakselva are asked to contact LGF to submit sufficient documentation (residence certificate, etc.) to gain access to season ticket sales.
Fish scale samples
In recent years, we have received far fewer scale samples than expected.
Mailboxes with envelopes for scale samples are placed along the river. Use these and deliver scale samples of killed salmon! The scale samples provide important information that is used both locally and nationally in regards of salmon management.
Tight lines!!