Here are the five boats being built in the project. No doubt that this is real craftmansship, and also an important part of the Kvääni cultural heritage in the Lakselva valley.
During the summer, Porsanger Museum has held a riverboat-project here in Lakselv. The goal of the project has been to protect and convey the use of riverboats, document the use and course the participants in making river boats. As many of you might have seen, river boats are still used to some extent in Lakselva, as they cut through water as a knife cuts through butter.
Last Saturday the boats were "launched", and lots of people showed up for the gathering. Fish soup, coffee and cakes were served, and there was entertainment by local artists. In additon, the Mayor of Porsanger, Aina Borch had some words to be said, in addition to a representative from Sametinget. The course participants were also given their proof of passing the course.
The course participants are awarded their proof of participation by Hilde Skanke (Kvääni Institute). From the right: Arnfinn Kaaby (Børselv kvenforening), Øyvind Lindbäck (Lakselvdalen), Arne Sorgmunter (Lakselv kvenforening), Dagfinn Lindbäck (Lakselvdalen) and Jouni Laiti (course teacher). Kvääni is one of three official languages spoken in Porsanger (Norwegian and Sami ar ethe other two), and is still spoken by a number of locals.
The Mayor of Porsanger, Aina Borch on the maiden voyage together with Øyvind Lindbäck and Dagfinn Lindbäck. This boat was built for Porsanger Museum, and is a replica of the oldest boat the project manage to find.